On Being Still
"Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
Our modern culture seems rather averse to waiting. We like quick commutes and short lines. We have even created restaurants called fast food restaurants! When we decide we want something, we like to have it and have it soon.
But doesn't God call us to wait sometimes? Doesn't He gently lean down and whisper, "Not yet" into our yearning ears? We hear and we cringe because we don't like the "not yet" and the "no's." So our souls cry out, "Why, Lord? Why can't I have this good thing that I want? It isn't even sinful!"
So what are we to do in the meantime, in the in-between places? What should our response be when the lover of our souls says, "no"?
"Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
Often, the word "still" means to stop moving. We tell kids to be still in church or the movie theater because we are tired of their squirming. But here, the Psalmist uses a Hebrew word that means "to let go" or "release."
And this is where we see the true command. God says, "Let go, stop holding on, stop trying to control this, release your grip."
We are so good at trying to control every details of our lives, right up to the point where we start to think we know better than omniscient God. Our thoughts shout, "Surely my plan will work. I can make it happen if I just..."
But God says, "Release." Trust. Know that I am God. Know it in your mind, your heart, your very soul. Live it, breathe it.
In the knowing, there is trust and peace. There isn't striving or fretting or worrying. Only a deep peace that our God is carefully orchestrating every detail to bring about His will. When the time is right, He will bend down and whisper, "Now."